Sunday, August 09, 2009

The doctor is in

I was intrigued with an interview I saw on Bill Maher's program this evening--the President's personal physician is also a member of Physicians for a National Health Program There are 16,000 doctors in this country who WANT a single-payor system. It is Medicare for everybody. Now, I know there are still plenty of nitwits out there polluting the atmosphere with babblings like, "Tell the government to keep its hands off my Medicare!" But there's still hope. We just need to keep encouraging our electeds to press on and not let the loud and ignorant derail this movement. We also need to shine a very bright light on abuses like the CEO of Cigna's compensation ">"falling" to a mere $11 million last year, 50% off his $22 million paycheck in 2007. And we should hold up to shame and ridicule anyone who buys into Sarah Palin's phantom of an Obama death panel determining to put her baby to death, because Trig has Down's syndrome (seriously. and Newt Gingrich defends this reprehensible load of crap) what is more likely in danger of death is the $22 million paycheck for an insurance company CEO.

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