Tonight in Bikram Yoga, the instructor asked the brand-new students how they were doing. This was about 85 minutes into the 90-minute class.
"I think I'm going to die," one of the newbies said.
The instructor repeated a Bikram saying, "You should be so lucky to die in this class."
I know what he means. Death would be the easy way out.
But, on the other hand, what a lovely way to go...
Doing the yoga has given me a lot of things. Patience. Humility. Acceptance of myself and others. And a very high tolerance for sweaty, stinky humanity.
I loved this article on Bikram yoga and "deeper sweat." It talks about one of the best things that happens as a result of sweating, twisting, stretching and breathing in that torture chamber. Eventually, you become "bulletproof." Meaning, that you can detach from the things that bug you and annoy you enough to find peace.
No matter what. No. Matter. What.
Now that's a pretty cool thing to find in a 105-degree room with sauna humidity.
A noble goal indeed, being able to detach from the things that REALLY bug you. I've been working on detachment from Houston traffic for some time, and would consider achievement of bliss in that situation to be worth any amount of sweaty yoga...
You've done more than enough yoga to achieve Samadhi in Houston traffic. And you will, when you allow it to be just what it is. Which, interestingly enough, is what it will be anyway, whether you allow it or not...
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