It is the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, and I just learned that the promoters of the music festival/happening/love-in were bummed the performer they really wanted to close out the event turned down their invite.
Do you know this one?
It was Roy Rogers.
What a different world this might have been if Roy Rogers had crooned "Happy Trails" at the end of Woodstock!
It might have healed the generational divide permanently. Or ushered in the "hat act" cross-over country western musical genre decades before Tim McGraw.
Watching documentary after documentary, listening to Amy Goodman hawk the commemorative Pacifica Radio Woodstock edition complete with Roger Daltry-inspired leather fringe cover, I have to wonder about the half-million folks who are now 40 years older.
They're all on Medicare now.
You know what we need is another Woodstock where those 500,000 60+-year-olds have a peaceful love-in for universal healthcare! The lack of affordable, decent healthcare for so many in a nation so wealthy is really harshing our mellow, man.
Just swap bran muffins for the pot brownies and you're all set.
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