Thursday, July 17, 2008

Making McCain Exciting

My new favorite thing. The brilliant people at The Colbert Report took note of a recent John McCain speech in which the GOP chosen one not only was robotic, monotone and lifeless, but he ALSO was standing in front of a green screen. Thus, the "Make McCain Exciting Greenscreen Challenge" was born, and the floodgates opened. Some of these are so funny, they are awe-inspiring. Something the candidate himself was several decades ago, (not funny, but awe-inspiring). A long career in politics causes one to lose all awe-inspringness, though.

My favorites: Gray Ambition

Street Racer McCain

Bucktooth Bunny McCain

Star Trek McCain

Toto, I don't think McCain's in Kansas anymore

Putting kittens to sleep

And finally, this weird little Mini McCain is good, with a bit of computer enhancement.

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