I'm listening to a tasty little band called "Computer vs. Banjo." Two guys who give lie to the old Steve Martin aphorism that you can't be depressed while playing the banjo. But, what got me thinking, and blogging, was this catchy line from their song, "Guitars need a sinners touch":
We all need a good sinner's love because we've all been pawned and beaten up. Maybe you'll find a good sinner today.
You could use a button or two because we all deserve to be found and groomed. Maybe you'll find a new suit today.
Along the way...you'll find someone else you won't forget. But you'll do something else that you'll regret.
Speaking for us pawn shop guitars, I must say that a good sinner's touch is the only thing that can unlock the music inside. And, (who would've guessed?) we beaten up guitars can make the sweetest music. So take a minute and listen to an incredibly bluesy banjo and tell me what you think...
Oh, and in case you're wondering. The picture above is Willie Nelson's famously battered guitar. I don't know if it's ever been in a pawn shop, but Willie certainly has...back in the 1960s, before the trademark red braids and Outlaw days. He had oily, short hair, wore scary ill-fitting suits and made commercials for the local Ford dealer.
We've done things we regret. That's what makes our music sweet, even when it's blue.
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